Our Sunday morning worship service is designed to point us to the hope and grace we have in Jesus Christ! We sing a blend of hymns and contemporary worship songs; we worship through giving in our offering (although don't worry, we don't expect our visiting guests to give anything); we spend some time in prayer; then finally we open the Bible together and study it in a 25-30 minute sermon. We offer a time immediately following the sermon for people to respond to the message with any spiritual need.
Nursery is available for children 0-4 years old.
We offer Sunday Kids during the service for students in kindergarten to 4th grade. Kids are released from the service after the Children's Message and head upstairs to play games, worship, and learn Bible stories!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. If I visit, will you make me stand up or say something? Absolutely not. We want you to feel comfortable and welcome. We won't put you on the spot for anything.
2. Do I have to dress up? Nope. We're not about all that. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Nobody wears a suit and tie at FBC.
3. Isn't the church only after my money? No! We never ask visitors to give anything! We do have an offering plate, but that's for our members and regulars to give back to God an offering from their heart. That money is only used to pay the bills, help people in our community, and support missionaries around the world.
4. Isn't the church full of hypocrites? Maybe. Probably. But that's not what church is about. Church isn't for perfect people. It's for imperfect people who want to talk about and learn about a perfect God who loves us even in our imperfections.
5. What if I have doubts that this whole “God thing” is real? That's OK. We are committed to helping you find the truth at your own pace. No pressure. Just a little love, grace, encouragement to get you through the week.
6. How long will the Sunday morning service last? About an hour. We'll have you out around noon.