First Baptist Church of Clayton was founded in September of 1901. (Click here to see what our nation looked like in 1901!) The church has been a lighthouse in the community for over a hundred years! In fact, this year we'll celebrate our 118th anniversary! The church is active in the community, growing each and every week, and looking forward to what God has in store for us in the future! We average between 60 and 80 on Sunday mornings. Our kids' and student ministries are the largest in Clayton, regularly reaching 70-80 on Wednesday nights. This is a fantastic, family-based, vibrant congregation! If you are looking for a church, we would love to have you come and try us out!

Hilario Perez
Senior Pastor
I became part of the First Baptist Clayton family in June of 2019. I first met Christ when I was seven years old. My landlady took me to church with her, and when I heard the pastor preaching about the emptiness within a person who does not know Jesus, I felt like he was speaking directly to me. I surrendered my heart to Jesus that day. What I remember the most about those early days is the joy and excitement I felt, and the love of the people at church. It was so different from what I experienced at home!
However, when my problems at home seemed to get worse rather than better, I spent several years in total rebellion against God, determined I would not serve Him when it seemed like Satan was more powerful. I am thankful that God got my attention once again when I was a teenager, and He changed my life in dramatic fashion. Together with an older man from my church, I formed a street ministry that reached out to other teens who were struggling. The following summer at camp, right before my senior year of high school, God called me into full-time ministry.
I graduated from the Baptist College of Florida with a Bachelors in Theology and from Liberty University with a Masters in Church Leadership. I have served at churches in Florida, Alabama, and Idaho for over twenty years. I married my wife Rebecca in 1997, and we have three daughters - two in college in Florida, and one with us in Clayton.